
Error running ncidd on OSX

Kahuna J
  • Kahuna J

    Kahuna J - 2005-02-26

    I've started using my Mac as my ncidd server. Although ncidd 0.50 starts fine, all I get in /var/log/cidmodem.log is:





    I'm new at the apple modem, so I figure I didn't configure something right.

    • Kahuna J

      Kahuna J - 2005-02-26

      Hmm...the next call I received came through okay. The call I received the error on was my brother's cell which (as noted on a previous thread) sends NMBR twice and showed up OUT-OF-AREA. Could the fix for that be related to this error?

    • John L. Chmielewski

      The message in cidmodem.log is the output from the modem. The error message is what the modem sent, it is not a error message from NCID, so the previous fix for number sent twice is not a factor. It's possible it is a Caller ID error message, so maybe the spec for CID would indicate what it is or maybe the modem spec will explain it.

    • Kahuna J

      Kahuna J - 2005-03-06

      Thanks, John. Your post kicked me in the head that I never did step #1 of any question I have: google. Here's what I found for those that are interested:

      "If the modem has received the line seizure (leading U characters) information at least once, but has never presented a correct packet, the modem returns the following message in place of report data: <ERRM>< + ><ICLID_202><CR>. "

      That's from a pdf distributed by MultiTech.

      I also re-read the install-mac instructions and found that I needed to 'set sttyclocal =1' in ncidd.conf for my Mac mini to clear up /dev/cu.modem not found. Currently, I have ncidd running and working well.

      Thanks again, John.

    • Kahuna J

      Kahuna J - 2005-03-07

      (this is turning into my own personal blog!)

      Now the problem I'm having is that ncidd will stop functioning (i.e. does not update cidmodem.log or cidcall.log) even though the process is still running. This happens at indeterminate times. I am going to restart in debug mode to monitor for 24+ hours, but are there any other checks I can do?

    • Kahuna J

      Kahuna J - 2005-03-14

      After extensive testing via minicom, I have decided that ncidd work fine, but the mac modem is to blame. I need to figure that out a proper initialization string.

    • John L. Chmielewski

      I have had a simular problem with a win modem and concluded it was the driver that was at fault. It could be a driver problem with your mac. Check if there is a driver update for the modem. Its worth a shot. Also maybe the Mac has something like strace so you could trace the system calls on the running process.


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