
Ninja Club Game Network / News: Recent posts

Yes! Problem fixed.

Well folks for the moment it looks like we are off again you will have to download the new file ncgn-pre-alpha-no-launch.exe I switched from cgi to php for the chat part, one day I hope to do away with server needs altogether with maybe some c++ but we shall see.

The new php additive would be great for integration with postnuke sites but I'll burn that bridge when I get there.

Posted by George Snelling 2003-09-04

Slight probs with server

Unfortunatly I'm haveing some problems with the server so for the moment you won't be able to launch the network :( I'll work on it tonight and get back to you.

Posted by George Snelling 2003-09-03

NCGN Pre Alpha download

It is very important that after you download and install the NCGN-Pre-Alpha-no-Launch you must also download the patch and patch it before it will run the network. I'm sorry for the problem I forgot to update one thing before I posted it :(

Posted by George Snelling 2003-09-02

Cleaning Code up for upload.

We are currently cleaning the code up so it will be easyer to understand by people wishing to either contrubute to its growth, or end users wishing to understand how it functions.

Posted by George Snelling 2003-08-30