
#12 Some Extra Install Notes


Some install notes for the rest of you, so hopefully
you won't have to go through this pain:

1. Make sure your php.ini has an include_path of the
root of nawui and restart your webserver.
2. Create an includes/ file with the
following, since it can't create it for youn - you MUST
fill out the VALUES appropriately for your site:


# - Main Settings -

# Webserver complete URL (ex:\)
$website_url = "";

# Server directory location of NAWUI HTML files.
$nawui_root = "/var/www/htdocs/nawui";

# Relative NaWui URL (ex: /nawui). This will be
appended to the WEBSITE_URL defined above.
$nawui_url = "/nawui";

# Temporary directory. MUST be world writeable.
$tmp_dir = "/tmp";

# Objects shown per-page in tables.
$objects_per_page = "20";

# Time between table pages refreshes (0 = None).
$page_refresh = "0";

# NaWui Plugin to be used. You can find them in
'/plugins' directory.
# This should be defined only by name ignoring the file
extention, since all files have '.inc'.
# (ex: 'serialized' to use file)
$nawui_plugin = "serialized";

# - Nagios Settings -

# Location of Nagios executable file (ex: /usr/bin/nagios)
$nagios_bin = "/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios";

# Directory location of Nagios configuration files (ex:
nagios.cfg, cgi.cfg, etc.)
$nagios_etc = "/usr/local/nagios/etc";

# Directory location of Nagios plugin files (ex:
check_disk, check_ping, etc.)
$nagios_plugins = "/usr/local/nagios/libexec";

# Server directory location of Nagios HTML files (ex:
$nagios_webroot = "/usr/local/nagios/share";

# Relative Nagios URL (ex: /nagios). This will be
appended to the WEBSITE_URL defined above.
$nagios_url = "/nagios";

# Relative Nagios CGI-BIN (ex: /cgi-bin/nagios). This
will be appended to the WEBSITE_URL defined above.
$nagios_cgis = "/usr/local/nagios/sbin";

# *********** TROUBLESHOOTING SETTINGS ************

# To enable HTML DEBUG in all php files.
$debug = "0";

# PHP Error Level. Default is 7, for good
troubleshooting use 9.
#(You should check PHP Documentation for information on
php eror levels)
$error_level = "9";

# Show pages information at bottom (ex: pagename,
version, date, etc.)
$show_page_info = "1";

And then save, and THEN go to the nawui URL and fill
out the configs. That should get you up and running.

Also note that "nagios_plugins" is actually supposed to
be the "nawui_plugins" directory.

- Phil


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