
Natural CLI / News: Recent posts

License changed

Due to some users request and to be more widely usable the license have changed to "Apache License 2.0".

Posted by Ferran Busquets 2009-12-29

Natural CLI 1.2.2 released

This release fixes a bug regarding optional parameters.

Natural CLI is a Java library that provides developers with an easy way to use human readable command line interfaces.

This means that your software can understand easy command lines like:

$acme start daemon mailservice
$acme send file /tmp/pau.jpg to friend
$acme start backup in 10 minutes
$acme zip to files a.txt b.txt c.txt ... read more

Posted by Ferran Busquets 2008-07-20

Natural CLI 1.2.1 released

This release fixes some bugs regarding the "help" command executor, the "working_url" parameter type and the "DefaultParameterTypes" set. Also solves other minor bugs.

Natural CLI is a Java library that provides developers with an easy way to use human readable command line interfaces.

This means that your software can understand easy command lines like:

$acme start daemon mailservice
$acme send file /tmp/pau.jpg to friend
$acme start backup in 10 minutes
$acme zip to files a.txt b.txt c.txt ... read more

Posted by Ferran Busquets 2008-04-14

Natural CLI 1.2 released

Natural CLI is a Java library that provides developers with an easy way to use human readable command line interfaces.

This means that your software can understand easy command lines like:

$acme start daemon mailservice
$acme send file /tmp/pau.jpg to friend
$acme start backup in 10 minutes
$acme zip to files a.txt b.txt c.txt

Command lines are very easy to define:

start daemon <name:string>
send file <file> to <email>
start backup in <number> [minutes]
zip to <file> files <filename> ...... read more

Posted by Ferran Busquets 2008-02-29

Natural CLI 1.1 released

Natural CLI is a Java library that provides developers with an easy way to use human readable command line interfaces.

The new release allows to use variable number of parameter values for the last one, this means it's possible to define command lines with this string "send to <email> files <file> ..." allowing to execute command lines like "$acme send to pau@someplace files a.txt b.txt c.txt"... read more

Posted by Ferran Busquets 2008-01-27

Natural CLI: First release

Natural CLI is a Java library that provides developers with an easy way to use human readable command line interfaces.

This means that your software can understand easy command lines like:

$acme start daemon mailservice
$acme send file /tmp/pau.jpg to friend
$acme start backup in 10 minutes

Command lines are very easy to define:

start daemon <name:string>
send file <file> to <email>
start backup in <number> [minutes]... read more

Posted by Ferran Busquets 2007-12-10