
NAT Monitor / News: Recent posts

NATMonitor v3 Beta released

I am proudly announcing the release of the first beta release of NATMonitor v3.

Highlights for this version: greatly reduced memory footprint, better security (privilege dropping, limit on the number of clients) and an almost full-featured Java client.

Please post your feedbacks to the forum.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2008-06-14

NATMonitor v3 alpha released

The first public alpha has just been released. Please report bugs/problems and feel free to comment on the forum.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2008-06-06

NATMonitord on SVN

NATMonitor3 (alpha) is on subversion, feel free to try it.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2008-05-26

NATMonitor3 almost ready

I am pleased to announce the imminent release of NATMonitor v3, with a completely rewritten codebase.

New features:
- Multiple local interfaces
- XML output
- Multi-platform Java GUI

Posted by Piero Filippin 2008-05-25

NATMonitor Windows Client

You can find latest releases of Niki2k NATMonitor windows client in the Niki2k web page
and click on "My realization"

Posted by Piero Filippin 2004-05-28

NatMonitor 2.4 Released

This should solve most bugs. When natmonitor will prove to be REALLY bugfree, I will think about improvements :D
Please report any problem to the forum or to my email address

Posted by Piero Filippin 2004-04-28

NatMonitor 2.3 Released

"Error: natmonitord has closed connection" problem should be solved now. There was a problem with socket read, on faster machines natmonitor graphical client asked for data too fast, so sometimes 'read' returned less bytes than expected!

"On success, the number of bytes read is returned (zero indicates end of
file), and the file position is advanced by this number. It is not an
error if this number is smaller than the number of bytes requested;
this may happen for example because fewer bytes are actually available
right now (maybe because we were close to end-of-file, or because we
are reading from a pipe, or from a terminal), or because read() was
interrupted by a signal."... read more

Posted by Piero Filippin 2004-04-23

NatMonitor 2.2 Released

Minor bug fixes

Posted by Piero Filippin 2004-02-15

NATMonitor still supported

Sorry if I will not relase any new version for a while... I'm currently working on my final thesis for my degree. NATMonitor is still supported anyway, feel free to send me any suggestion/bug report.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-12-11

Nat Monitor Windows Frontend RELEASED!

Now natmonitor is really multi-platform!!! Try new Windows graphical frontend (still alpha, but working really well)

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-06-29

NAT Monitor (natmonitor) v 2.1 FINAL relased

NAT Monitor is a tool to monitor hosts bandwidth usage in a Linux-NAT network. A daemon collects data and clients display them (currently a GTK app with graph and a text version). It detects new hosts, saves up to 12 hours of data, and has a nice summary statistic.

From this version natmonitor exits BETA status (it is really stable now). There are also some small bug fixes and some enhancements.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-05-09

Home page make over......she's sexy now ;)

The home page of the project has been redesigned.
(Flash MX / Photoshop)

- New tech info on the project
- New graphics and effects

More flash proejcts can be found at

Posted by Federico Simoncelli 2003-05-08

NAT Monitor v 2.0 beta Relased

NAT monitor is a program made to keep tracks of hosts bandwidth usage in a Linux-NAT network. It's composed by a daemon collecting data and some frontends to display it (a GTK stacked graph and a console text version) It autodetect new hosts and has a nice summary statistic (until past 12 hours)

Natmonitor is now split in a daemon part and some clients, so frontends can be launched from any user/network machine. Natmonitord also collect data (last 12 minutes every second and last 12 hours every minute, and they are saved when daemon quits) and send to client on request, so you can see past history.
A console version was made (making happy a lot of people)
There was alse a mayor code rewrite and bugfix.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-04-30

NAT Monitor v 1.2 will be relased in few days

There are GREAT news for this release:
1) NAT Monitor is splitted in a daemon part, running in background and collecting data, and some clients that can be run remotely with no root rights (currently I'm rewriting old GTK interface and writing a text based interface)
2) code was rewritten almost completely, now using dynamic data structures (much less memory comsumption), and daemon uses much less cpu time... read more

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-04-24

NAT Monitor v 1.1 Relased

A linux visual utility that display in a graph internet bandwidth usage from your LAN hosts.

This version correct a small bug leading wrong results when a slow update was selected on a fast connection

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-04-21

NAT Monitor v 1.0 FINAL Relased

A linux visual utility that display in a graph internet bandwidth usage from your LAN hosts.

From this version NAT Monitor exits beta state. It's now a fully working program, and it's features would fit most needs.
Now there are no (known) bugs left.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-04-17


A linux visual utility that display in a graph internet bandwidth usage from your LAN hosts.

New version gives you some mayor improvements, as a popup menu to change some settings, A LOT of bugfix, some visual enhancements
This will be LAST BETA version...
So HURRY to send bug reports/suggestions to me! :D

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-04-14

NAT Monitor 0.8 relased

A linux visual utility that display in a graph internet bandwidth usage from your LAN hosts.
New version gives you some mayor improvements:
Now there are great graphical improvement (3D look, tick mark every minute, interface customization), all settings are read from a config file (no mode compile times only), code optimization (200% less cpu usage and auto settings discovery)
A really annoying bus is removed , and program is really more stable.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-04-10

NAT Monitor (natmonitor) v 0.7 relased

natmonitor is a linux visual utility that display in a graph internet bandwidth usage from your LAN hosts.
NEW in this version: now router total traffic is displayed (it considers also router generated traffic not only internal hosts traffic)
Please report to natmonitor forum any problem/suggestion.

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-04-08

NAT Monitor (natmonitor) v 0.5 STABLE relased

A graphical monitor to keep tracks of hosts bandwidth usage in a Linux-NAT network. It autodetect hosts and has a nice summary statistic. Now critical parts are complete. Program will still remain in alpha state for a while, but seems stable and working.

Next relase will probabily have a better UI (I'm thinking about adding some menus and a prefs windows)
Download and test please, and summit me any problem/bug!

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-03-24

v 0.5 almost ready

Switched to GTK 2
Will soon start to use Glade to build a better GUI

Posted by Piero Filippin 2003-03-23