

1. Overview

NAS Herder is a small Windows app for Netgear ReadyNAS series of NAS. It lets user to start, monitor and shutdown ReadyNAS system easily from notification area (task tray). It also can make power on/off of the system synchronized with client PC.

The main window looks like below. The Status box shows the current status of a ReadyNAS system which is assigned to be monitored. In addition, some featured items (CPU, System, Disk ...) appear underneath depending on models and configuration.

Main window

The status is indicated in color and reflected to notification area (task tray) icon. Most functions and information is accessible at a menu opened by right clicking the icon.

Main window and menu from notification area icon

You can find ReadyNAS systems in LAN and assign a system to be monitored with ease.

Scan Dialog

If something wrong happens to the system, this app will notify it by balloon messages or toast notifications as well as color. Also, detailed information will be shown in separate box.

Main window and balloon message in warning status
(This is intentionally invoked by pulling out one of disks.)

This app can start and shutdown the system remotely (except Sparc based system for start because it lacks Wake-On-LAN ability). With these functions, you can make power on/off of the system fully synchronized with client PC when it boots up, suspends, resumes and powers off. This will be useful for users who are keen on power consumption and not satisfied by scheduled power on/off which can be set from FrontView.

Furthermore, this app can leave various information on the system in log files. Utilizing this information, it can draw up line charts of highest temperatures of CPU, System and Disk in given period.

Chart Dialog

2. Requirements

  • Windows 8 or newer
  • Windows 7 and Windows XP (required to install .NET Framework 4.0)

3. History

1.2.4 (2016/4/12)
  • Fixed some bugs.
1.2.3 (2015/12/12)
  • Fixed some bugs.
1.2.2 (2015/11/24)
  • Fixed some bugs including that on parsing disk information.
1.2.0 (2015/11/13)
  • Adapted to newer ReadyNAS OS6.
1.1.0 (2015/9/3)
  • Adapted to newer ReadyNAS OS6.
1.0.1 (2015/4/28)
  • Fixed bugs.
1.0.0 (2015/3/31)
  • First decent release.
0.9.12 (2015/2/28)
  • Added ReadyNAS OS6 support.
0.9.11 (2014/9/25)
  • Improved internal codes.
0.9.10 (2014/5/26)
  • Fixed exceptions when using models not included in model table.
0.9.9 (2014/5/8)
  • Fixed a bug that once balloon message or toast notification are shown, they will be wrongly shown afterward.
0.9.8 (2014/1/18)
  • Added function to notify by toast notification for Windows 8 or newer.
  • Added function to change the sequence of types assigned to respective index numbers for CPU, System and Auxil.
  • Fixed appearance of Settings Dialog in Per-Monitor DPI environment.
  • Improved internal codes.
0.9.7 (2013/12/8)
  • Modified internal codes.
0.9.6 (2013/12/1)
  • Modified management of shortcut file in Windows Startup.
  • Adjusted starting position of dialogs.
0.9.5 (2013/11/24)
  • Changed the way to shutdown NAS when PC powers off or suspends in order not to interrupt the process too long.
0.9.4 (2013/11/17)
  • Fixed bugs when opening dialogs in Per-Monitor DPI environment.
0.9.3 (2013/11/14)
  • Added function to show disk models.
  • Fixed a bug that closing Chart Dialog before the completion of collecting data may cause exception.
0.9.2 (2013/10/24)
  • Modified to support for Per-Monitor DPI of Windows 8.1 RTM.
0.9.1 (2013/10/2)
  • Changed to use interprocess communications for sharing response(s) with other instance.
  • Improved Chart Dialog for a shorter time to collect data.
  • Modified to work in a folder where writing files is not allowed.
  • Fixed a bug that starting NAS may fail when PC resumes.
  • Modified internal code.
0.9.0 (2013/9/1)
  • Added support for Per-Monitor DPI environment.
0.8.8 (2013/8/19)
  • Fixed some bugs.
  • Modified internal code.
0.8.7 (2013/8/10)
  • Modified to catch spin-down mode of disks from RAIDar Protocol of newer version of RAIDiator.
  • Modified to use the forked version of Twitterizer which is compatible with Twitter API 1.1.
  • Changed format of tweets.
0.8.7 (2013/8/10)
  • Modified to catch spin-down mode of disks from RAIDar Protocol of newer version of RAIDiator.
  • Modified to use the forked version of Twitterizer which is compatible with Twitter API 1.1.
  • Changed format of tweets.
0.8.6 (2013/3/6)
  • Improved Chart Dialog so that the scales will be automatically adjusted.
  • Modified the way to save window state when PC powers off.
0.8.5 (2012/12/21)
  • Added Reboot function.
  • Changed wording in Scan Dialog.
  • Modified to automatically remove space(s) at the beginning or at the end of Admin Password.
  • Fixed bugs in handling extraordinary result of RAIDar Protocol.
0.8.4 (2012/9/29)
  • Added Chart function which shows line charts of temperatures.
  • Modified internal code.
0.8.3 (2012/8/29)
  • Fixed appearance when status is warning.
  • Modified internal code.
0.8.2 (2012/7/20)
  • Redesigned icons.
0.8.1 (2012/6/16)
  • Fixed minor issues in high DPI environment.
0.8.0 (2012/4/28)
  • Changed all featured items (Disks, Volumes ...) to be shown separately.
  • Changed temperature color scheme and each threshold of CPU, System and Disk to be customizable to reflect those status more precisely.
  • Added Tweet function which lets user to monitor status of the system and send some commands via Twitter.
  • Modified share function so that most results of RAIDar Protocol will be shared when running multiple instances.
  • Fixed some bugs and unintended behaviors.
0.7.0 (2012/2/14)
  • Deleted Curl function because RAIDar Protocol function and internal SSL function seem to be stable.
  • Sorted out Settings Dialog.
  • Inserted waiting time before proceeding to start NAS when PC resumes to avoid mistakenly catching transition from suspend to hibernation.
0.6.0 (2012/1/3)
  • Changed to expand form size when DPI is set to be larger than defalut (96).
  • Changed to keep IP Address updated when Host Name is used to assign NAS.
  • Modified to enable WOL function with ARM based system (hopefully).
  • Fixed a problem in Scan Dialog when showing/hiding raw response box without selecting NAS.
0.5.3 (2011/11/15)
  • Fixed problems in reproducing window position from minimized state.
0.5.2 (2011/10/21-31)
  • Fixed bug related to temperature notification.
0.5.1 (2011/10/17)
  • Changed Volume usage bar and UPS charge bar design.
0.5.0 (2011/10/14)
  • Changed window design.
0.4.0 (2011/10/12)
  • Added temperature notification function as "Temp" Tab. It will notify when any temperature of featured items (Temp1, Temp2, Disk) exceeds designated threshold.
  • Changed expression of "Disk" item when disks are in Standby mode. Now it will show "sleeping" instead of "0C/32F".
  • Fixed bugs when PC loses connection to network. Changed its expression from "sleeping" to "interrupted".
0.3.9 (2011/10/6)
  • Changed the upper limit of maximum fan RPM from 6000 to 9000 tentatively. Fixed exception when fan RPM exceeds the upper limit.
  • Changed the behavier of "Start" and "Shutdown" buttons. Now "Start" or "Shutdown" button will be back to enabled when the function is initiated but its success is not confirmed in a given period of time (4 min).
  • Added function to share responses of RAIDar Protocol with other instances. This will save network traffic when running multiple instances.
0.3.7 (2011/9/1)
  • Initial beta release.

4. Development


Check thread in ReadyNAS Community Forum.

Sample codes for RAIDar Protocol

RAIDar Protocol is a communication way between RAIDar, official monitoring tool by Netgear, and ReadyNAS systems. By emulating it, various information on the systems can be obtained remotely. The following are the sample codes:

Works by forerunners

Before this app, there were already some works by forerunners for similar purposes: