
The Narwhal Compiler Suite / News: Recent posts

New Release of ParserGen

A new version (0.2) of the ParserGen program has been released. This is a bug fix release; it fixes a few errors and infelicities in generated code.

Source code for this release is accessible via Subversion at:

Posted by Gordon Tisher 2010-05-07

Initial Release of Parser Generator

The Narwhal Project has released a C implementation of a Packrat Parser using Parsing Expression Grammars, based on the work of Bryan Ford (

Posted by Gordon Tisher 2006-08-24

Parser Generator Under Development

What I'm working on in my copious spare time is a parser generator that generates recursive descent parsers with memoization ("packrat parsers") using Parsing Expression Grammars instead of (E)BNF (see\).

The parser generator can now parse grammar files that contain PEG's (using a hand-written parser), and I'm working on the C parser generator.... read more

Posted by Gordon Tisher 2006-07-07