

Gleb Nosov
  • Gleb Nosov

    Gleb Nosov - 2010-04-10

    I am a technical writer and want to help you make the documentation for your project. How you can communicate?

  • LordCip

    LordCip - 2010-04-10


    Thank you to bring this point up.

    There is the help view that should bring "live" documentation. May be not helpful and also do not point it out how to use NaroCAD (if this is what you are referring to).

    An updated document with how to make shapes is not updated from 1.0 era so it will be welcomed to be created one. If you will want to make tutorials/any other user documentation or you need specific points to be filled, please email me (ciprian dot mustiata at gmail dot com) or to mihaizzz at yahoo dot com. I will be glad to introduce it as a part of NaroCAD default package. At your option if you use skype, you can add me as ciprian.mustiata there and setup all details there.
    Have a nice day,


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