
NaroOCCWrapper Tutorial

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-18


    First of all, I would like to congratulate the NaroCAD Team  for the great job done with NaroCAD. It is very impresed. I contact to you because I was wondering if there is any chance to provide an small tutorial or example how to use the NaroOCCWrapper in a new C# project. I am newbie and I would like to create an application using the NaroCAD OCC Wrapper and C#, I checked the code of NaroCAD but I got lost.

    So i was wondering if there is any chance that you provide us with an small tutorial or example. I will be more than happy to help in anything.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-19

    Hello bxtrx,

    Thank you for your fast reply. I checked the code last day, and I tried to compile it but I couldnt it. I am using it Visual Studio 10 and SharpeDevelop. But I was not able to make it works.

    Do I have to use a Visual Studio 2008 express?

    Thanks in advance again.

  • bxtrx

    bxtrx - 2013-03-20


    As far as I remember for old wrappers we used VS2008.

    Best regards.

  • shabadan

    shabadan - 2013-08-22

    any news about a tutorial on how to use the NaroOCCWrapper in a new C# project?
    I am a newbie in C# but I would like to play with the NaroOCCWrapper trying to create my small app. Any help to start will be much appreciated.
    Thank you very much in advance

    • Juan Manuel Romero Martín

      Hello Shabadan,

      Did you manage to set a basic c# program using the NaroOCCWrapper? I am also intereted on it.


      • roxf

        roxf - 2013-09-13


        I am working on a small demo application using the new wrappers (for OpenCascade 6.5.5) and a tutorial for it and will let you know as soon as it's ready.

  • Egon Sepp

    Egon Sepp - 2013-10-01

    I am also very interested in the .NET wrapper. I tried to use OCWrappers.dll from the NaroCad Installation but i always get a Librarynotfound exception. So I am realy looking forward for a demo and a quick tutorial on how to use the wrappers, new or old.



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