
Compile Error of OCWrappers ,Please Help!!!

  • dongman

    dongman - 2013-05-19

    I'd like to compile OCWrappers  ( I use Opencascade 6.5.5 , Visual Studio 2008 sp1)
    But After Compiling, I met the following error

    "error C2027: use of undefined type 'OCNaroWrappers::OCTransfer_FinderProcess' d:\narocad_src\narocad\trunk\wrappers\src\TransferBRep\TransferBRep.cpp"

    I dont' know why.

    Plese let me know the reason and Please help for that.

    I tried it for a lot of months. But I don't know the reason.

    I'll wait for your answer.

    Then, Thank you in advance.

  • LordCip

    LordCip - 2013-05-20

    Hi mmnerong,

    The reason is that NaroCAD is compiled against OpenCascade 6.3.0 which have slight changes.I recommend to use up-stream compiled already DLL.

    There is an ongoing effort to use a new architecture of compilation (hard-worked by Rox) but in the first stage it still uses OpenCascade 6.3.0 You may try to test the new wrappers that are part of Rox work with 6.3. If they get green light, it will be much easier to migrate to 6.5.


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