Activity for N++ Arduino Plugin

  • Kypper Kypper posted a comment on a blog post

    I was having problems getting the autoCompletion to work but I used the mod from seitanis nikos and it seems to be working now. Thanks josephdouce and seitanis nikos.

  • seitanis nikos seitanis nikos posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi there. I want to thank you for the nice project that you offered to the community. From the last update of notepad ++, v7.6.6, some things changed for the plugin folders. I added some highlights so no other highligthing is needed. I also changed the folders for the "autoCompletion". I don't know if the folder "ArduinoLibs" is needed any more. I sent you the files to check them and to make an update for the plugin if you think so. Thank you

  • narduinoplugin narduinoplugin released /