
How can I set TOTD_PREFIX in naptpt.h?

  • sailer

    sailer - 2005-04-06

    Before install naptpt, my prefix is " 3ffe:302:11:2:", and I set:

    TOTD_PREFIX[] = { 0x3ffe, 0x0302, 0x0011, 0x0002, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

    I don't know whether it's right? (the compile is OK)

    • Patrik Jönsson

      Patrik Jönsson - 2005-04-07

      It has been a while since I meddled with the code, but it should be correct.

      But I'm not sure it actually works to change the prefix, but it could just be that TOTD doesn't like all prefixes. So if TOTD works with the prefix it should work.

    • sailer

      sailer - 2005-04-09

      I've installed naptpt and totd,  in client, I can ping a ipv4 website address:
      # ping6
      PING 56 data bytes
      From localhost icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
      From localhost icmp_seq=2 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable

      In the linux router server, it shows:
      totd[2390]: Query name:  B type: PTR
      totd[2390]: Selected forwarder: [::ffff:]:53
      totd[2390]: Forward PTR query for 8 jKB over UDP

      So I think the totd is working fine, but I don't know why the address unreachable when ping the ipv4 website, I can ping this site in the linux router that install totd & naptpt.

      When I access or other site in the browser of client, it always said connection is refused, but in the linux router server, I can access these web site.

      In the source of naptpt, I modify naptpt.h:
      static u16 TOTD_PREFIX[] = { 0x3ffe, 302, 11, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

      Then "insmod naptpt.h IPV4_ADDR=10,66,14,29" after "make", is the address of the linux router.

      It's my /usr/local/etc/totd.conf:
      forwarder port 53
      forwarder port 53
      prefix 3ffe:0302:11:2::
      pidfile /var/run/

      The and is the DNS server in IPV4 domain.

      Can you help me again?
      Thanks again.

      • Patrik Jönsson

        Patrik Jönsson - 2005-04-21

        It looks as if you are missing a default route or something since it is localhost that reports destiniation unreachable.

        Unfortunately I'm currently without any own test setup, so I cannot check it any further...


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