
Maximum selectable resolution doesn't match scanner specs

  • citizen_snips

    citizen_snips - 2021-08-04

    When creating/editing profiles within NAPS2 the maximum value I can select for Resolution is 1200 dpi, yet my scanner specifications list 4800x9600 dpi as the Optical Resolution. Why is my maximum selectable resolution not consistent with the specifications? I realize that using resolutions higher than 1200 dpi may not give noticeably better results.

  • Moby Disk

    Moby Disk - 2021-09-30

    What is the scanner model? I bet the scanner doesn't really do 9600dpi optical resolution.

    Just to satisfy my curiosity: A quick Google search shows me that the highest optical resolution of any commercially-available scanner is the Epson Perfection v800 which tops-out at 6400dpi. And when movie studios scan 35mm film, they use 4800dpi.

  • Moby Disk

    Moby Disk - 2021-10-01

    Dang, the dude's right! eats own words I wonder if the 1200dpi hard-coded into the source somewhere


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