
Cannot import images

Tony Jones
  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2016-02-09

    I have some large images, NAPS2 fails to import them After thinking about it for a while it says "the file xyz could not be imported'.

    The odd thing is that Paint cannot open either. Chrome and Firefox can, so can Faststone Image viewer and the built in Windows Photo Viewer.

    Type: JPEG Image (JPG) YCbCr
    Size 5MB. Attributes "14553 x 6412 (93.31 MP) 24 bit" Print Size: 48.51 x 21.37 inches DPI 300x300

    Any ideas?

  • Ben Olden-Cooligan

    Could you attach your error log here? It's located at "%APPDATA%\NAPS2\errorlog.txt". For example, if your Windows username is Tony, it would be: "C:\Users\Tony\AppData\Roaming\NAPS2\errorlog.txt".

  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2016-02-09

    2016-02-08 21:55:37.7512 The file 'image.91.jpg' could not be imported. System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory.
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
    at NAPS2.WinForms.FDesktop.ReceiveScannedImage(ScannedImage scannedImage)
    at NAPS2.ImportExport.ImportOperation.<>cDisplayClass3.<Start>b1()

  • Ben Olden-Cooligan

    The issue is that NAPS2 is running out of memory when doing its initial processing on the image. I've been working on improving NAPS2's memory usage and this should be fixed in the next version of NAPS2.

    • Tony Jones

      Tony Jones - 2016-02-09

      Any idea when this version will be released?

  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2016-02-09

    Also, this is bizarre. I got a failed to import error on each. None were displayed in the GUI but when I did a save images (to backup the work, so I could quit NAPS) it saved them all, though the thumbnail on one is corrupted.

  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2016-02-09

    actually another of the regular smaller images (that were directly scanned by NAPS2) also has a corrupted thumbnail, like it stopped writing the data part way through, so it's solid black from a certain point in the image down to the bottom [the large images I had to manually scan as 2 11x17, compose and use import image]

  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2016-03-02

    Problem of importing seems fixed in latest version. No issues saving to a PDF either. Thanks!


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