
Auto straightening images

Tony Jones
  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2016-02-05

    My scanning software (Brother 6940CW) doesn't seem to support this automatically. Have you given any thought to adding an automatic deskew feature? Not trivial I realize but useful.

  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2016-09-27

    Are there any open source tools that can straighten scanned pages (of text)?

  • dronsf

    dronsf - 2016-11-02

    Try ScanTailor:

  • Peter Hommel

    Peter Hommel - 2016-11-15

    I have just implemented the first working alpha version of an auto-deskew feature for Naps2 in a fork on my github. Algo does already work quite fine. Planning on making it available for auto-application on new scans and in the command line version, before issuing my final PR for it being integrated into the main Naps2 version.

  • Ed McCreight

    Ed McCreight - 2016-11-16

    I do so look forward to auto-deskew. For whatever reason, my Brother MFC-9970CDW printer/scanner/copier puts in about 1.5 degrees of skew when scanning through its document feeder. Its document feeder has the ability to scan both sides of a page simultaneously, and when it does, scans of the top and bottom sides of a page have the same skew magnitude of about 1.5 degrees but in opposite rotational directions.

  • Andreas Hernitscheck

    Hi, when do we get the deskew function? It is also so important to me,

  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2017-05-10

    Peter. Would love to hear an update on your change.

  • Ben Olden-Cooligan

    This has been implemented in NAPS2 5.4.0. You can do it manually from the Rotate menu, or set it on your profile under Advanced.

    • Tony Jones

      Tony Jones - 2017-11-08

      This is great news. Is there any way to control how how agressively the deskew works? I have some pages that are all about 0.7 degrees skewed. This is visible to my eye as they contain lots of tables with vertical line borders but I can imagine that the algorithm is perhaps tuned for more extreme cases than this.


      Last edit: Tony Jones 2017-11-08
  • Tony Jones

    Tony Jones - 2017-11-08

    I opened a ticket as there are issues when trying to deskew. I imported 192 jpegs I'd exported out of naps and tried to deskew them. Several issues.

    • Tony Jones

      Tony Jones - 2017-11-10

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