Hi there,
I have been handed an old Neat Portable Scanner (Model 030108 if relevant). After a bit of struggle, I found the drivers thru archive(dot)org and downloaded both 32 and 64 bit versions.
Also downloaded NAPS V 7. 4 . 3 . 0
Connected scanner to the USB port.
I am on Windows 11, hence I installed 64 bit version first.
Then I installed NAPS2
Created new scanner profile and selected my Neat portable scanner from the profile using TWAIN scanner setting
Now when I click on scan, the progress bar goes about half way before giving me this error message:
Status(StatusCode="Unavailable".Detail="failed to connect to all addresses")thegurumeditation(TechnicalDetails),whenclicked,givesmethiswonderfuljavastacktracelookingmessage,whichIhavenocluewhatitissaying:Grpc.Core.RpcException:Status(StatusCode="Unavailable",Detail="failed to connect to all addresses")atasyncTask<bool>GrpcDotNetNamedPipes.Internal.MessageReader<TMessage>.MoveNext(CancellationTokencancellationToken)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Remoting.Worker.WorkerServiceAdapter.TwainScan(ScanOptionsoptions,CancellationTokencancelToken,ITwainEventstwainEvents)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.Internal.Twain.RemoteTwainController.StartScan(ScanOptionsoptions,ITwainEventstwainEvents,CancellationTokencancelToken)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.Internal.Twain.TwainScanDriver.Scan(ScanOptionsoptions,CancellationTokencancelToken,IScanEventsscanEvents,Action<IMemoryImage>callback)+(?)=>{}atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.Internal.RemoteScanController.Scan(ScanOptionsoptions,CancellationTokencancelToken,IScanEventsscanEvents,Action<ProcessedImage,PostProcessingContext>callback)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.ScanController+<>c__DisplayClass13_1.<Scan>g__DoScan|6(?)+DoScan(?)atasyncIAsyncEnumerable<ProcessedImage>NAPS2.Scan.ScanController.Scan(ScanOptionsoptions,CancellationTokencancelToken)+(?)=>{}
As a troubleshooting exercise, I tried using the only other USB port on this laptop and nothing changed.
Then I tried uninstalling the driver and installing the 32 bit version of the driver. Although installation program didn't give me any error message, I was unable to see this driver software under control panel --> programs and features panel. Of course when I ran NAPS2, it was unable to find any TWAIN scanners.
How can I fix this issue? I'd be so grateful if I can get any help. Wife is breathing on my neck, saying she needs to scan her receipts, which is what this scanner will be used for.
EDIT: Adding the debug log below
2024-08-0310:29:48.194915708ScanningwithScanDevice{Driver=Twain,ID=NeatMobileScanner2008,Name=NeatMobileScanner2008}2024-08-0310:29:48.194915708Scansource:Feeder;bitdepth:Color;dpi:100;pagesize:8.5x11in2024-08-0310:29:48.27308576Debug:Usingnewdsm.2024-08-0310:29:48.32038576UsingTWAINDSM:C:\ProgramFiles\NAPS2\lib\_win32\twaindsm.dll2024-08-0310:29:48.32038576NAPS2.TW-Openingsession2024-08-0310:29:48.32038576Debug:Thread1:OpenManager.2024-08-0310:29:48.33598576NAPS2.TW-StateChanged(to3)2024-08-0310:29:48.33598576Debug:UsingTWAIN2memoryfunctions.2024-08-0310:29:48.33598576NAPS2.TW-Findingsource2024-08-0310:29:48.33598576Debug:Sourceid=12024-08-0310:29:48.33598576NAPS2.TW-Openingsource2024-08-0310:29:48.35168576NAPS2.TW-Name:NeatMobileScanner2008;Manu:USBSCANINFO;Family:USBDevice;Version:2.0Version2.0.0.0;Protocol:1.92024-08-0310:29:48.35168576Debug:Thread1:OpenSource.2024-08-0310:29:48.38288576NAPS2.TW-StateChanged(to4)2024-08-0310:29:48.38288576Debug:Registeredcallback2OK.2024-08-0310:29:48.38288576NAPS2.TW-Configuringsource2024-08-0310:29:51.054715708Status(StatusCode="Unavailable",Detail="failed to connect to all addresses")Grpc.Core.RpcException:Status(StatusCode="Unavailable",Detail="failed to connect to all addresses")atasyncTask<bool>GrpcDotNetNamedPipes.Internal.MessageReader<TMessage>.MoveNext(CancellationTokencancellationToken)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Remoting.Worker.WorkerServiceAdapter.TwainScan(ScanOptions options, CancellationToken cancelToken, ITwainEvents twainEvents)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.Internal.Twain.RemoteTwainController.StartScan(ScanOptions options, ITwainEvents twainEvents, CancellationToken cancelToken)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.Internal.Twain.TwainScanDriver.Scan(ScanOptionsoptions,CancellationTokencancelToken,IScanEventsscanEvents,Action<IMemoryImage>callback)+(?)=>{}atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.Internal.RemoteScanController.Scan(ScanOptions options, CancellationToken cancelToken, IScanEvents scanEvents, Action<ProcessedImage, PostProcessingContext> callback)atasyncTaskNAPS2.Scan.ScanController+<>c__DisplayClass13_1.<Scan>g__DoScan|6(?)+DoScan(?)atasyncIAsyncEnumerable<ProcessedImage>NAPS2.Scan.ScanController.Scan(ScanOptionsoptions,CancellationTokencancelToken)+(?)=>{}
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Looks like the Neat driver is crashing in relation to the transfer mode. In your profile settings, under Advanced, Twain Implementation, try selecting "Native Transfer". If that doesn't work you can try the other Twain Implementation options.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I tried all 5 different before with no different result. But I just tried the Native mode once again and this is what Windows Error reporting is showing me in the detail of .NET Runtime error:
Hi there,
I have been handed an old Neat Portable Scanner (Model 030108 if relevant). After a bit of struggle, I found the drivers thru archive(dot)org and downloaded both 32 and 64 bit versions.
Also downloaded NAPS V 7. 4 . 3 . 0
Connected scanner to the USB port.
I am on Windows 11, hence I installed 64 bit version first.
Then I installed NAPS2
Created new scanner profile and selected my Neat portable scanner from the profile using TWAIN scanner setting
Now when I click on scan, the progress bar goes about half way before giving me this error message:
As a troubleshooting exercise, I tried using the only other USB port on this laptop and nothing changed.
Then I tried uninstalling the driver and installing the 32 bit version of the driver. Although installation program didn't give me any error message, I was unable to see this driver software under control panel --> programs and features panel. Of course when I ran NAPS2, it was unable to find any TWAIN scanners.
How can I fix this issue? I'd be so grateful if I can get any help. Wife is breathing on my neck, saying she needs to scan her receipts, which is what this scanner will be used for.
EDIT: Adding the debug log below
That error means the worker process crashed. You can check the Windows event viewer to see if it has any more info.
I see two error messages at the time of my debug log capture. One is .NET Runtime. contents of which are as follows:
And the other one is called Application Error, which contains these brief lines:
I am still as clueless as this morning. Reading Java stacks is not my thing unfortunately. I'm not a developer.
Looks like the Neat driver is crashing in relation to the transfer mode. In your profile settings, under Advanced, Twain Implementation, try selecting "Native Transfer". If that doesn't work you can try the other Twain Implementation options.
I tried all 5 different before with no different result. But I just tried the Native mode once again and this is what Windows Error reporting is showing me in the detail of .NET Runtime error:
In that case it just looks like the Neat driver is uncontrollably crashing, there's probably not anything that can be done on the NAPS2 end.