
Nant Reloaded / News: Recent posts

New developer

Nicolas has joined the project to give it the boost that was neeeded. There are a couple of bugs with the addin that I was trying to solve (1 of them reported) but my lack of time and problems with my internet connection didn't allow me to do it. Now, with Nicolas help, we will move faster.

Welcome to the project!

Posted by Pablo M. Russo 2007-12-18

Installer ready

After some work and some downloads (around 10 downloads have done so far) I decided to release a new version (0.6.0). This new version includes an installer to make all the add-in install process easier.

You can still download the bin package and register it manually following site instructions if you prefer.

Also I have fix some minor issues with the add-in, but nothing big have been found yet.... read more

Posted by Pablo M. Russo 2007-12-01

Site updated

The first version of the site has been released. It is still under construction and a lot of things needs to be done. But at lease it has some information about NantReloaded.

Posted by Pablo M. Russo 2007-11-27

First version that works

I have commited to svn the first working version of the plugin after the huge refactoring. It also supports saving and loading profiles, which I think is a excelent feature to have in a build tool. (it saves selected targets and properties values).

It still do not have an installer, it will be the next step (along with documentation, build a site and tidy up the code a bit).

Posted by Pablo M. Russo 2007-11-26

Back to work

After some time of inactivity I am working again on this proyect. Now fully oriented to VS 2005.

I did some refactoring in the code and I am planning to add it the last features so I can release a setup file soon.

Posted by Pablo M. Russo 2007-11-23

All big project had a first day

Here I am, starting a new project. I havent uploaded any files yet, but I expect to do it very soon. I am still solving some tiny issues with the plugin and making a "friendly" installer. As soon as I can the first pre-alpha will be here.

Enjoy the screenshots meanwhile,

Posted by Pablo M. Russo 2005-10-04