
Nagios/Check_MK Plugin Collection / News: Recent posts

New release: 0.3

This is mostly a bugfix release. Many changes and bugfixes are included. To much to list them all here.

The following scripts are added this release. For a detailed description please have a look at the usage informations of the scripts. Most of the other scripts a slighty improved.

- check_eventlog

Check the Windows eventlog for entries.

- check_file

Script to check files and directories (e.g. size, age, existing, ...)... read more

Posted by Thorsten Sauter 2009-05-14

New release: 0.2

This script containts the following new scripts. Please see the release notes for a detailed description.
- check_memory
- check_pagefile
- check_processor
- check_win_disk

Posted by Thorsten Sauter 2008-05-12

New release: 0.1

This is the first release (version 0.1) of the Nagios Plugin Collection. At the moment, all scripts are for Windows(TM) operation systems only.

Posted by Thorsten Sauter 2008-03-23