

Anonymous Jeroen Claeys


Author = Jeroen Claeys
Developer = Jeroen Claeys
Released = 2009, 2 June
Latest release version = 1.0
Licence = GNU General Public License version 3

This interface is meant to be left running on a screen. It serves as an overview, not as a replacement for the default Nagios interface.

How it works

Step one: download and install the ndoutils-nagios3-mysql package from your repository.

Step two: create the following tables and triggers:

create database events;
create table e (object_id int(11) not null, status_update_time datetime, primary key(object_id));

grant select on events.e to 'ndoutils'@'localhost';#

create trigger chu after update on nagios_hoststatus for each row begin replace into events.e select new.host_object_id, now(); end;
create trigger csu after update on nagios_servicestatus for each row begin replace into events.e select new.service_object_id, now(); end;

view triggers: select * from information_schema.triggers;
view rights: select * from mysql.tables_priv;

Step three: download and install the php-db package from your repository.

Step four: copy the Birdseye files to your /var/www/ folder.

Some remarks

  • Edit connection.php in order to ensure database connection.
  • Some settings can be changed in settings.php.
  • Possible issues are database permissions, Apache2 file permissions, incorrect javascript path used in index.html, incorrect Nagios3 alias used in the Apache2 conf.d files.
  • This interface was optimized for 1920x1080 pixels. It will probably require some tweaking to make it look decent in a different resolution. All of the CSS related to size can be found in styles.php and backend.php.

Screenshot thumbnail

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