
Ian Chard

Project Admins:



This is a little hack I wrote a while ago, inspired by a custom Flash app used at a previous place of work. It consists of a bit of HTML that serves as a wrapper for a perl CGI script which gives you a scoreboard-like display.

It's designed to be used on a big screen that is visible to all your ops staff. I display it in Firefox with the 'Full Fullscreen' plugin to get rid of all the browser decoration, so all you're left with is the scoreboard.


You need a working Nagios installation that uses a database as a back end. For most installations this means using 'ndo2db'; on Debian-like systems, the package 'ndoutils' will provide what you want.


Take 'nagboard.html' and 'nagboard.pl' and bung them in a directory on your Nagios server that Apache can see. I use this directory and set of Apache directives:

<Directory "/var/www/nagboard/">
    AllowOverride None
    Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    AddHandler cgi-script .pl

You might need to tweak a couple of things in the perl script. Nagboard will display some mrtg graphs when there are no alarms, so you'll have to substitute the URLs for those graphs. If you don't want it to do that, just leave the URLs commented out. The other thing is the database access details: 'localhost' will be fine if you're running this on the same server as your Nagios installation (recommended). You'll just need to provide the username and password for your ndo2db database user.


I'm a sysadmin, not a programmer, and the code might be very unpleasant. There are lots of features that would be nice to have. Feel free to request them or to send me patches, but please be nice. Bitching about my code is pointless.