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N User 0.5 released

N User version 0.5 is released. The major improvement of this release is stability because the code has been rewritten and is now clean. The programming language is now the D because it is a modern object-oriented language.

N User is able to add and remove groups to users, but still cannot create or delete users and groups. It will be implemented in the future.

This release has been tested, I didn't found any bug, but of course some may remain. Please report it if you find one.

Posted by Pierre Renié 2007-05-17

Mistakes & future development

I'll make a new version of my program, more stable and better written.

Technical details :

My program uses low-level functions, for instance it doesn't use string objects.

When I started my software I didn't really know in what consisted the programs adduser, usermod and so. They are part of the software Shadow, which is part of all distributions.

I had the idea to use libraries rather than making a front-end for command-line programs.... read more

Posted by Pierre Renié 2007-04-29