
MZX32 / News: Recent posts

MZX for Windows 2.69c Alpha 1

It's been a while, but I've got a new release. Mostly a bugfix and improvement release.

Posted by William Feely 2003-09-21

MZX for Windows 2.69b Alpha 1

Sorry about the lack of news on this page, but I have updated MZX for Windows to version 2.69b and is now available for download.

Posted by William Feely 2003-03-11

Important bug fix

I found a bug that could bring down your system. Please download to fix this. If your hard drive is full, try deleting MZX_CMOD.FIL from your Megazeux directory. It may be several hundred megabytes in size. The MOD conversion routine may be disabled until music is implemented.

Posted by William Feely 2002-07-06

MZX 2.63 Alpha 1 (Win32 only)

Yesterday I have released an alpha version of MZX 2.63 Win32, but nobody seems to have downloaded it. Apparently, the folks at do not understand how significant this is. Please download and try it, then post bug reports on the bug tracker.

Posted by William Feely 2002-07-05

New release soon.

I will be releasing a nearly full alpha soon.

Posted by William Feely 2002-06-22

First release

The first release for my project is ready. All it is though is a demo of the graphics engine and some mangled MZX code. Try out the demo.

Posted by William Feely 2002-05-01

(small) Release soon.

I am just about ready to make a release of the library that will allow Megazeux to run in a window with full text mode features. I will consider this release an alpha since it only works on a 32-bit desktop, but the interface is beta quality. I will release this file once I get a few things cleaned up and I have time.
Conversion of the Megazeux engine is underway, to make it Win32 compatible. I have currently made main.cpp compilable, and the linker only reports about 90 undefined symbols. So, this release will wait until I can get a full, very slow, extremely dirty build of Megazeux for Windows to be able to show the configuration screen.

Posted by William Feely 2002-04-23