
Mosaic Qmail Admin / News: Recent posts

Error in news release

The earlier post incorrectly said May 1st support added. It should have been April 1st.

Posted by Chandrashekhar Bhosle 2004-05-25

Group Support added

Support for email groups in LDAP using the latest qmail-ldap features was added to CVS

Posted by Chandrashekhar Bhosle 2004-05-24

Qmail-LDAP - May 1st 2004 Support

The code in CVS now supports the changes introduced by the Qmail-LDAP patch released on May 1st completely. Group quota is yet to be added.

Posted by Chandrashekhar Bhosle 2004-05-20

Development Restarted

After a long hiatus the development of mzkQLAdmin was restarted today. Some cool new features are being added.
More on this later.

Posted by Chandrashekhar Bhosle 2004-05-04