
Tour from photos

Lah Kotno
  • Lah Kotno

    Lah Kotno - 2021-03-30

    is it possible to find adequate tour from attached photos? (you click photo in viewer and tour is shown)

  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2021-03-31

    This feature is not yet available, can you create a feature request for it.

  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2021-05-13

    I just discovered that this feature is already implemented, all photo features were implemented 9 years ago, so I don't remember each detail.

    You can activate this feature with this button, however I just discovered it is not working smoothly. When you select a new image you have to unselect and reselect this button.

    In the next version you will have these image icons in the dark mode


    Last edit: Wolfgang ch 2021-05-13
  • Lah Kotno

    Lah Kotno - 2021-10-05


    function is implemented in last update. great improvement, imho. Thank you.

    I'd just like to ask if this is the way the function works or there is something else:

    when I click photo, photo is shown on map and tour data are loaded in tour chart, but tour is not visible on map. when I click in tour chart window, then tour also appears on the map. is this ok?


    Last edit: Lah Kotno 2021-10-05
  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2021-10-07

    Have you synched the map with the tour ?


    Last edit: Wolfgang ch 2021-10-07
  • Lah Kotno

    Lah Kotno - 2021-10-07

    yes, it is synched, but anyway not shown on map. as I said, just a click in tour chart window or on tab and tour appears on map. strange.

    • Lah Kotno

      Lah Kotno - 2022-01-11

      any news about this small issue?

      • Wolfgang ch

        Wolfgang ch - 2022-01-12

        any news about this small issue?

        This looks small but it can be complex because of the various event providers/listeners

        • Lah Kotno

          Lah Kotno - 2022-01-12

          I apologize if I was offended in any way - with 'small issue' I was thinking about user's experience and not from programming point of view.