
MyTime / News: Recent posts

MyTime: 0.3

MyTime: free software to improve time management.

A new MyTime version.

New features:

* GTK-Doc reference.
* Idle time is caught.

To generate GTK-Doc reference you only need to execute "" with "--enable-gtk-doc" argument and once installed you can look up documentation with Devhelp. --enable-gtk-doc
sudo make install

By the way, the executable file has changed his name from "mytime-gui" to "mytime".

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2008-11-12

MyTime 0.2

Second release of MyTime, now with remote storage and Online Desktop integration.

New features:

* Remote storage using the web service
* Synchronization of local and remote data.
* Integration with Online Desktop using its system account to store information about the web service.
* Unit tests with Check.

To use remote storage you need to have an account at (, so you should sign up that service set your user and password on MyTime settings.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2008-10-03

MyTime: 0.1

MyTime: free software to improve time management.

This is the first public release of MyTime. It is stable and usable enough to be used, with MyTime you can know what are you doing while you are using a computer.

Basic features in this release:
* Catch how many time applications are used.
* Draw charts to show statistical information.
* Show historic data.
* Allow to delete data recorded.
* Local storage.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2008-09-17

Some improvements

* I18n support was added to MyTime, and now it's available in Galician languages.
* TempusFugit was connected with Data Server and window change events are been stored.
* Today make install was fixed and can be used to install and test MyTime.

* New instructions to test MyTime:
sudo make install

* And then you can execute:

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2008-07-03

First SVN import

We have made the first SVN import of MyTime to SVN repository at

If you like to test the current status of the project you should follow
the next steps:
1) Download source code from SVN:
svn co mytime
 2) Execute
3) Compile code with make:
4) Go to src/data_server/ and execute mytime-data-server:
cd src/data_server/
5) In another terminal go to src/gui/ and execute mytime-gui:
cd src/gui/
./mytime-gui... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2008-05-30