
Mythreads / News: Recent posts

New stable release: 1.2.1


Yes MyThreads is not dead! This stable brings compatibility with php 7.x.

Remember that you can also easily integrate other templates in Mythreads, by following the example 'arcana' template provided in MyThreads.

To see a working demo based on the new template, try


-- Ludovic

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2018-01-23

New stable release: 1.2.0


This stable release brings some important changes:
- Fixes and optimisations for PHP 5.6
- And a new awesome template 'arcana' based on responsive designs!

You can also easily integrate other templates in Mythreads, by following the example 'arcana' template provided in MyThreads.

To see a working demo based on the new template, try read more

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2015-05-30

New beta release: Mythreads 1.1.3

Hi !

In this new beta (but stable) release, you won't find major new features, but now the default template is based on the Perfect 'Holy Grail' 3 Column Liquid Layout by Matthew James Taylor.


Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2012-03-06

New beta release: mythreads 1.1.2

Hi !

In this new beta (but stable) release, I fixed some very old input parsing bugs, and improved the email function to stop spam. The Captcha (security code) was also improved. So if you have spam problems with MyThreads, this release is a must. I've also added a recently requested feature: the option to allow anonymous users to enter links in the database with the 'anonymous_add' configuration option.... read more

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2007-01-01

New beta release: mythreads 1.1.1

Hi !

This new beta release is quite stable, and added a new datatype: booleans. It's useful to store boolean values in the database with checkboxes (you can take a look here: ). The release also contains bug fixes to the new 'security code' anti-spam feature.



Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2006-06-30

Project Cleanup

It's been a while since I've been active. Went through the project and did some cleanup on how the project is categorized and made some help wanted requests since this hasn't been so very active. Hoping to catch up and do some code improvements if time permits. -Josh

Posted by Joshua Levitsky 2006-01-12

New stable release: v1.0.0

Better late than never ! This new stable release adds some major features, which can be used to categorize anything (not just links) and build multi-lingual sites:

- easy database/forms customization (any new db field can be managed in 5 minutes)
- dynamic templates selection (with /index.php3?tmpl=XXX)
- the admin can see the old and updated link on a single page to ease the approval decision
- rss page for new and updated links
- the admin can now directly edit entries without having to validate them in the wait queue
- more than one admin can be declared
- german templates
- new 'details' page for each entry
- links are now indexed from an unique ID, not from the URL.
- PDF/Html user and admin manual

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2004-04-28

0.9.1: easy database customization !

After the easy layout customization of 0.7.x series, now comes the time for database customization with 0.9.1 !
You can now add text and links fields to your database and have them managed by Mythreads. Support for other data types will come soon (binary data for example). You'll find customization examples in the html and pdf documentation.

This release is quite stable as I use it daily on, so don't be afraid to run this 'unstable' release !... read more

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2003-05-24

0.7.0 finally released !

This release got NUMEROUS improvements since the 0.6 release:
- 100% template based for easy translation,
- web based installer,
- email notifications,
- 'anti-spam' hits counter,
- WebSecretary generation script (in php for the server, and in perl for the client), to keep track of updated pages,
- on the fly text to image substitution,
- speed improvements,
- database table prefix support,
- updated links meta category,
- and much more options in config.php3 !... read more

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2002-05-05

0.7.beta1 ! Read the UPGRADE file

Major changes to the template system. Read the UPGRADE file if your want to update your currently working web site.

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2001-10-16

What's new in CVS ?

A lot of html code present in php3 files has been moved to the templates directory, so that the files:
- config.php3
- lib_search.php3
- lib_addupdate.php3
are free of html code. It should be easier to translate MyThreads.

Still, some work has to be done on the files:
- lib_main.php3: remove (little) html code
- lib_admin.php3: LOTS of html to remove

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2001-05-17

0.6.1 ! Run migrate-0.6.1.php3 if you upgrade !

WARNING !!!! If you only want to upgrade to 0.6.1, edit and then run the script 'migrate-0.6.1.php3'. We need to update an attribute on your current database.

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2001-03-29

CVS Updates

New feature available from the CVS repository:
The admin can change the link's category before validating it.
If you do not want to make a full update, you just have to replace 'lib_admin.php3' with the one of (WEB) CVS repository (v1.27).

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2001-03-19

Mythreads stable release: v0.6.0

A stable release of the 'Yahoo!' like web based links manager is now available after some important bug fixes.

Posted by Ludovic Drolez 2000-11-06

Please read change log for v 0.5.2 info


Posted by Joshua Curtis 2000-01-29

version 0.5.1 fixes

The fixes for 0.5.1 are as follows:
Fixed the problem of not allowing users to add links.

Posted by Joshua Curtis 2000-01-25