From the boincClientVMSetup.txt readme file
Setup a new debian vm a vboxapp
During the Debian install process I only created a root user, with root as a password.
Setup to use UTC time
ext3 formatted drive mounted at /
only the one partition, no swap, boot, etc... Give it a lot of RAM instead
This procedure assumes that only the root user exists and there is no sudoing/chown/chmod required
Change the following value to zero to speed up boot in /etc/default/grub
Then run "update-grub" from the command line
Append the following lines to /root/.bashrc
Give the user time to Ctrl-C in order to make changes to the vm before it finishes loading
!/usr/bin/bash echo --- BOINC VM Starting sleep 5 echo --- Mounting shared directory mount -t vboxsf shared /root/shared if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo --- Failed to mount shared directory, does /root/shared exist? If not, press Ctrl-C and create it in the VM now... sleep 5 shutdown -hP 0 fi echo -- Launching boinc_app if [ -f /root/shared/boinc_app ]; then cd /root/shared ./boinc_app shutdown -hP 0 else echo --- Failed to launch script sleep 5 fi shutdown -hP 0
Install mingetty to allow automatic login by running "apt-get install mingetty" in the command line
Then change /etc/inittab from
"1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1"
to the following line
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --autologin root --noclear tty1
goto ffmpegBOINCvmSetup if you want to install the video encoding libs/apps