
myStructure / News: Recent posts

new documentation page

There is now a documentation page for myStructure. For more information check the project web site or

Posted by Damjan Krstajic 2006-12-31

mystructure new release

mystructure v0.2.1.1 is released. There are few cosmetic changes and additions to its api

Posted by Damjan Krstajic 2006-12-26

released version

New version of myStructure is released. It has few cosmetic changes and additions to its api. There are two new commands:
a) my_descriptors_statistics which calculates mean, sd and size of each descriptor
b) my_get_nearest_smiles returns a file with smiles that are nearest to a point in the descriptor space

Posted by Damjan Krstajic 2006-12-26

the first release on sourceforge

myStructure is an open-source database application that stores chemical structures, their calculated descriptors and property values. It uses open source CDElib for chemical structure manipulations and mySQL as its database. It comes with a set of descriptor calculators and a set of methods for filtering the descriptors based on correlation with property values. Ideal for QSAR specialists.

Posted by Damjan Krstajic 2006-06-05