Alain Léglise - 2007-06-06


I try to create a SQL Query (select * from) including parameters.
eg : "select * from mysql.user where user = &pUsername"
I've use MySQLCommand and created one "&pUsername" named Parameter.
Unfortunately the myRead.Read() line (look forward) do not read any row, while running pgm.
What should I do ?

I'm using then .Net 2 MySQLDriverCS release, with Visual Studio 2005.

Here is my code :

myCommand = new MySQLCommand();
myCommand.Connection = myConnection; // defined upper
myCommand.CommandText = "select Host, User, Password from mysql.User where User = ?pUsername";

myPrm.ParameterName = "?pCod";
myPrm.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String;
myPrm.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;

    myPrm.Value = "root" ;
    MySQLDataReader myRead = myCommand.ExecuteReaderEx();

    Console.WriteLine("-> " + myRead.FieldCount.ToString());
    while (myRead.Read())
        Message += " " + myRead.GetString(0) + ", " // Message is a string defined in the current class.
                 + myRead.GetString(1) + ", "
                 + myRead.GetString(2);
catch(Exception exc)
    Message = exc.Message;