
unsupported database type 'mysqldb'

  • nigel

    nigel - 2004-08-16

    Hi, i compiled bind9-sdb-mysql from the FreeBSD ports. I configured named.conf all correctly but bind cant fetch zone information from mysql.

    When run in -g foreground mode I get the error:
    unsupported database type 'mysqldb'
    zone loading zone: creating database: not found

    I looked through the documentation, cant find anything there that can help. I did check however than the freebsd port is correct (ie patched properly) but theres no issues there. Also changing "mysqldb" to "mysql" seems to remove the unsupported database error but I still get the error "creating database: not found".

    Also since the sql is already there, i dont know why it would be creating the database. I didnt think it had a need to create or update.

    Thanks for any info.

    • nigel

      nigel - 2004-08-16

      As a followup, I run bind in a chroot. I thought it could have been /tmp/mysql.sock but then I added it to the chroot but it didnt help.

      I even went so far as to run bind without chroot but the problem doesnt seem to be there.

      My config file (zone bit):
      zone "" {
        type master;
        database "mysql binddata dns cpuser2 mypass";
      //  file "/var/named/";


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