
MySQL Server Monitor 0.1 beta 3

Today I released MSM 0.1 beta 3. It's most likely the last beta before the final and has a lot of new features and bugfixes.

For example, you can now see which server is taking so long to respond. In the default "Winter" template the time MSM needed to connect to the server and retrieve the data is shown, and the server is highlighted if it took more than 500 miliseconds.

Another feature, for template developers: Template Options. You can now specify template options in the template's XML file. These options are available in the template. A small example is shown in the Winter template.

The memory usage is also slightly reduced, just like the overall execution time. It's now possible to check 10 servers using regular connections and MSM_connector with less than 2MB peak memory usage. The number of queries is also reduced, checking a server is now done with only 3 queries.

I also squashed a few bugs. For example, fetching a MSM_connector wasn't possible when the PHP setting allow_url_fopen was disabled. Another bug, connecting to server on another port or socket didn't work, is now also fixed. Some users also reported that the traffic counters were reset to zero when the amount of traffic reached 2GB. This bug is resolved, but on MySQL < 4.1 the counter still wraps around at 4GB.

There's also a new version of MSM_connector, version 0.1b2. It's mostly a bugfix release, but I also enabled Gzip-ed output on Apache servers. This reduces the amount of bandwidth used 5 times.

MSM 0.1b3 and MSM_connector 0.1b2 are now available for download, and I hope you enjoy it!

Posted by akamsteeg 2008-05-01

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