
#16 Ignore DENIED records prior to authentication

General (24)

By Steven Acreman <>:
1. IE sends a request for a page without any user
information. Squid logs this with a TCP_DENIED/407
status with no username.

2. IE sends a request for a page with only computer and
domain information. Squid logs this with a
TCP_DENIED/407 status with no username.

3. IE sends all of the authentication details. Squid
authenticates the request and logs it with the correct

4. Subsequent requests on the same tcp connection are
automatically authenticated.

The problem is that the mysar importer script imports
the log entries with the TCP_DENIED/407 status codes to
the database. This means that the mysar webpage has two
entries for every host.. one contains the entries that
weren't authenticated. The other contains the entries
with the username.

MySAR should ignore DENIED records that are generated
prior to authentication, since they cannot be avoided.


  • David Todd

    David Todd - 2006-03-13

    Logged In: YES

    this is going to be hard.

    the only way I can see around this is that if we just drop
    all TCP_DENIED/407 records to begin with. good
    entries/requests should get logged with TCP_HIT/407 and
    similar codes for users who are already authenticated.

    This is another one of those good intention features that
    require squid source code editing in order to make it work
    right, since squid already uses an external program and
    makes no reference if the user becomes authenticated or not.

  • Ben Hay

    Ben Hay - 2009-07-14

    3. IE sends all of the authentication details. Squid
    authenticates the request and logs it with the correct

    Seems to me you can safely drop all TCP_DENIED/407 because in step 3. above the request is logged normally (ie not TCP_DENIED/407)


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