
MyphpChat / News: Recent posts

Help Needed!

Right now I need some people to help finish this project. I need people that are good in PHP/SQL and Javascript. So far I've been able to handle the javascript myself, but there are things I will need help with since I've never used much javascript before this project.

So if you're good with PHP/SQL and/or Javascript and would like to help, send me an email telling/showing me some of your abilities. My email is

Posted by Mark 2002-10-17


Well, I've almost got sessions 100% functional, just need to add a little bit more to it so that it updates when you change rooms and I'll be done. But, atleast when you don't chat for 180 seconds (3 minutes) you get l logged out, and it doesn't show 40 people in the room which were in there 3 weeks before.

After this is complete I'll fix the font section so that it shows what your font really is when you first login to the chat. Afterwards I'll start adding onto the options on the top frame, and getting them working correctly.... read more

Posted by Mark 2002-10-17

Starting Again

Hello everyone. I've been taking a very long break from programming now I'm back and getting back on this. I'm still using what I had before so it shouldn't be too long before the first version is officially released. Please remember, this is still an alpha version. There will be bugs with this. I may not answer questions asking how to do this or that at the moment because, as I said, it is still an alpha version and I will want to spend as much time possible working on the actual program itself.... read more

Posted by Mark 2002-08-10