
MyOE.NET e-mail/ical/gcal client / News: Recent posts

MyOE 0.13 is out

0.13 is out with a new interface (à la office 2007), bug fixes, performance enhancement, and contact management update.

Please see for a list of changes!

0.14 is coming soon with proxy and RSS support.

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2007-03-08

MyOE 0.10 is out!

MyOE 0.10 is out! See for more information!

The biggest feature of this version is the HTML mail editing, signature and enhanced search. There have been also lot of bug fixes, optimization and little enhancement. Definitely a must have version.

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2006-11-11

MyOE.NET 0.9 released

This is mainly a bug fixes release.

Google Calendar is working (again)
Various small fixes
Optimized version (not debug), should be a lot faster on some system.
Can be used on Vista (but you may need to give user right to the myoe folder, I'm working to make it work seamlessly).
Grab it at:

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2006-10-15

MyOE move to subversion

MyOE source has been moved (and largely updated) to subversion.

Project should be compilable using Visual C# Express or SharpDevelop.

A new release is coming very soon (as soon as my favourite release manager do the stuff ;).

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2006-08-16

MyOE.NET 0.6 released!

After almost one year without release (yup... I was busy ;), Codename MyOE.NET 0.6 was released. Lot of changes, bug fixes, new feature, experimental stuff... a version worth trying, fully backward compatible.

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2004-08-17

MyOE website down doesn't belong to us anymore, we need a new name. Please submit your idea to

MyOE 0.6 will come asap (I need to finish my exams first... little insignificant detail) with lot of new feature. You can still download a (almost) daily build from

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2004-06-20

MyOE daily build.

A daily of the current myoe release (lot of improvements on 0.5) is now available. You can get it from:

Feel free to report any bug, feature request, comment, anything...

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2004-03-20

Codename MyOE.NET 0.5 released!

Codename MyOE.NET 0.5 released! Nothing really new, LOTs of bug fixes, small enhancements, user experience enhancements, ...
Some things broken in 0.4 seems to work perfectly now.

As always, it update your current database, so you won't lost your mail and settings.

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2003-10-31

MyOE.NET 0.4 released!

New version of our news/mail reader. This version fixes lot of issues and add some unique feature. For more informations, have a look on

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2003-08-29

MyOE.NET 0.3 released

Lot of changes, lot of things fixed, lot of new stuff... have fun with this version! (see for more info)

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2003-08-13

MyOE.NET 0.2

Second release of our mail/news client. Lot of new feature/improvement... we're getting closer to a beta version!

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2003-06-21

First Release: MyOE.NET 0.1

Finally we released the first MyOE Version. You'll be able to try it, and tell us how you want it to be improved.

This version is a very early release, so don't use in a production environment.

Help us by posting comments/bug description/feature request here or on sourceforge.

MyOE is in it's beginning, but it has some funny/interresting feature, try alt+drag/drop a message to a folder, drag/drop a category to the folder list and don't forget to use contact/contact group!

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2003-06-14

First version on CVS

You can begin to play! for now it's rather begin, and not usable for someone who don't really want to help... but it's the first step... hope a usable (configurable) version will come soon...

Posted by Quentin Pouplard 2003-03-20