
6015-Straight parameters

Denis Bisson

Straight parameters

When your launch the executable you may include in paramater directly staight one or two parameters that are described as below.

These will always be interpret the way it's written in the given order as oppose as the other way of specifying parameter with the syntax --param=value which could be placed in different order and still be interpret correctly.

Note: If you ever attempt to provide parameter this way at the same time as the one describe in the rubric of paramters with the syntax --param=value, the ones with syntax --param=value will be the one that will be used and the others will be ignored.

  • First parameter interpret as the database filename to open

    • Instruct Mylene on start to load that filename you're specifying.
    • This is the database filename of the file with your accounts and passwords.
    • Must be the FIRST parameter. If you give one or two paramters, the first one will always be interpret as the database filename.
    • Examples:
      • Mylene.exe "\remoteservername\users\JohnDoe\Documents\JohnDoeAccounts.myl"
  • Second paramters interpreted as the database password

    • Doing this will make Mylene open the file immediately without prompting you for the password and use the one specified here.
    • Even if it is supported, this option is not recommanded to use as it create a big fail in your security!!! Anyone who may access to your compter while session is open would be able to access to your information. The parameter exists and is supported mostly for developpers or person who want to make many test with Mylene. This way, they will gain time on starting the application and do the test they want to... But after these test are completed, this second paramter will be removed
    • Examples:
      • Mylene.exe "\remoteservername\users\JohnDoe\Documents\JohnDoeAccounts.myl" 12345678 where 12345678 will be interpret as the password.

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