

  • Easily installable : just download and unzip MyGaL at top directory you want to explore (Be aware that your server must support php with GD and EXIF module)
  • 4 themes availables in the package : blue (default), dark, ocre, white (you can design your own theme by editing style.css file)
  • Show JPG/TIF thumbnail if present in Exif section of the photo (nowadays all camera put thumbnail in photos)
  • Preview JPG/TIF images if no thumbnail present in Exif section of the photo (however for this the whole image must be loaded which can take a lot of time)
  • Preview of GIF/PNG images as i consider they are usually not big pictures
  • Show image name, last modified date and size
  • Show user comment if present in Exif section of the photo
  • Autoadapt diplay according to the users client window (tested from 1440x900 down to 800x600)
  • Navigate trough folder (you won't be able to navigate up to parent directory of where MyGaL script was installed)
Posted by Yves MANEGLIA 2021-10-14

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