
Gemini Focuser

Tom Hayko
  • brownrb

    brownrb - 2024-06-30

    How did you find out that it uses the same protocol?

  • Tom Hayko

    Tom Hayko - 2024-06-30

    A few people have posted to the forums that they got it working with the MyFocuserPro2 profile in Stellarmate here:

    • brownrb

      brownrb - 2024-07-03

      Hi Tom

      Yes, I reviewed all the posts that same day and found the link.

      I have no links to any of that. I was contacted a couple of years ago by a chinese company to assist in developing a focuser for them, Which included windows app, ascom driver and firmware. The prototype hardware was an Arduino micro with A4998 driver, looked a bit like a USB memory stick with the ouput wires going to the stepper motor.

      This went for a few months back and forth when I as asked to design the case etc, build the unit(s) and ship them to China with Manual, which was way beyond my ability, then was advised that they were dropping the project on their end. I cannot remember the company name or any other details, The Engineer I was working with at the time requested that I keep advancing the firmware as he was also an astronomer, which I did till recently - a few versions back there was firmware for GSC_China, that is why that was there,

      I was not paid or had a signed arrangement with whoever that was.

      I do not know if any of that has any relationship with the INDI focuser you pointed out.

      I am not inferring that what I have detailed above has anything at all to do with that company, because simply I do not know.

      If you (or anyone) is interested in the focuser posted in the INDI forum, it is at a fairly good price and please, do not let this project deter you in any way.


      • Tom Hayko

        Tom Hayko - 2024-07-03


        Thanks for the reply.

        I definitely was hesitating, as I didn't want to encourage somebody profiting from your work without your permission. I may or may not go ahead, as it may be a bit less than perfectly suited to my usage, which is on my C8, potentially with hyperstar so a motor with a larger step size might be better suited.

        Do you mind if I share you message on There are a few thread on this focuser there, and I've been cautioning people that the focuser might be based on your work without your permission.


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