
MyFaces version 1.0.6 beta released

This is an overdue maintenance release which also offers some often and long requested issues:
* Library split - there are now 3 myfaces libs:
- myfaces-jsf-api.jar = the javax.faces.* classes for compile time
- myfaces-components.jar = the MyFaces extended and custom components for use with any JSR-127 implementation
- myfaces.jar = the MyFaces implementation (including extended and custom components)
* Better Tiles support with our JspTilesViewHandler
* Switch from LGPL to Apache 2.0 license

Changes in Release 1.0.6 beta:
* switch to apache license
* new JspTilesViewHandler for flawless Tiles support
* RFE #975649 Enhance HtmlTabbedPaneRenderer (rendered attribute for TabbedPane component)
* RFE #990814 dataList component ignores styleClass attribute
* bug #1004867 h:message has duplicate attributes
* bug #1004896 h:dataTable id attribute not rendered
* bug #995085 graphicImage ignores value attribute
* bug #992668 selectOneMenu doesn't restore the bean value if it's a primitive
* bug #992628 StateManager.SerializedView is not static
* bug #992629 FacesContext.getRenderKit() unimplemented
* bug #992452 HtmlTree doesn't properly restore state
* bug #991740 HtmlTreeRender icon URL conversion
* bug #991234 command links not working with javascript disabled
* bug #990395 myfaces.jar has bad taglib descriptor
* bug #990302 Navigation-Rule redirect
* bug #985274 f:view locale does not always work
* bug #978654 Input hidden value of null being converted to zero
* bug #979038 jsCookMenu component does not create dummyForm
* bug #979039 default-values for ConvertNumberTag and ConvertDateTimeTag
* changed build.xml - now myfaces-components are shipped via bin-distribution
* bug #985217 decorator-factory not supported
* splitting jar-files (myfaces.jar, myfaces-jsf-api.jar, myfaces-components.jar)
* new EXPERIMENTAL feature to detect JavaScript support of a client browser

Posted by Manfred Geiler 2004-08-09

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