
MyDynaWeb / News: Recent posts

Update of the site

The site has been updated

A bunch of new features are online now

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2002-02-19

New theme released !

A new theme is released in the files section. It is based on the enlightenment site. Certainly one of the most cute theme of mydynaweb...

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2001-09-26

MyDynaWeb 0.3.5 is out !

Please download mydynaweb there :
You can test the demo site there :
This release is MySQL compliant but UNTESTED with Postgresql. Please wait for the next release to use postgresql !

Posted by Benoit des Ligneris 2001-08-03


You can now try all the feature of MyDynaWeb on the following web site :

There you can admin the whole test site (news, linkbox, pages, try different langages, ...)

Posted by Benoit des Ligneris 2001-07-26

Wanted HTML Designer !

I ask here if someone would be interested/competent for desining HTML pages.
If you are, please mail me, I will then explain precisely how themes templates works with mydynaweb.

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2001-06-20

New Release : 0.3 beta3

This release is fully Postgres compliant. Each of the SQL files has been checked for bugs. A set of default values is
given so that the created site is not empty the first time it runs. The 'news' module has been improved and can now split news items into two parts (with a 'read more' link). The MySQL installer (a Perl program) has been enhanced in order to provide complete installation of the MySQL database from creation to filling with data.

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2001-06-08

MyDynaWeb Install Guide

The install guide for MyDynaWeb is out !
Please visit the documentation section
of this site. Apache configuration, mysql/postgresql and of course MyDynaWeb !

Posted by Benoit des Ligneris 2001-06-04

How to fix 0.3b2 news.php bug

I just have post a piece of news on that explains how to fix the bug that appear with the 0.3 beta2 release. Indeed this bug make the news unseeable...

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2001-06-01

0.3.1 beta2

The next preview of MyDynaWeb 0.3.1 is OK. You can donwload it here on sourceforge.

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2001-05-21

New database structure

I'm rebuilding from scratch the mydynaweb's database structure. It will include a full multi-user mode for all components of mydynaweb. That is a big change, so it will take some time. Thanks a lot for being patient.

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2001-04-05 release release is out.
It has some useful SQL script to upgrade from 0.2.1-pre to 0.2.1

Posted by Alexis SUKRIEH 2001-03-23