
mydbaccess - MySQL Web-GUI in PHP/JS / News: Recent posts

Order your mydbaccess 2.0 pre release!

The oncoming release of mydbaccess will have undergone a thorough code review and has entirely abolished working with frames:
Visualisation is now entirely CSS-based and thus faster and far less complicated in source code handling than it's frames-based parent.
Please visit for a preview and order your pre-release copy now!

Posted by Felix Zickermann 2009-08-19

Version 1.0.4 released

In particular, the release adds
- dealing with images stored directly to the database
- unique referencing of uploaded files
- some tweaks to speed up processing of larger tables

Posted by Felix Zickermann 2009-03-24

Ver. 1.0.3 released, GPLv3 Licensing

With this release we switch from dual licensing to GPLv3 licensing only. The review includes enhanced search functionality and minor bugfixes.
The file package posted recently has been updated to fix buggy behaviour triggered by certain IIS / apache settings.

Posted by Felix Zickermann 2008-06-13

Updated mydbaccess documentation supplied with release 1.0.2

mydbaccess 1.0.2 comes with improved documentation, particularily covering content navigation and reporting feature enrichment.

Posted by Felix Zickermann 2007-07-22

mydbaccess New Release 1.0.2 available!

Major improvements / fixes include:

- out-of-the-box evaluation functionality (make sure you read the read-me file first!)
- a deep-search functionality has been introduced enabling a user to search the entire database for a keyword in a single step
- slashes and quotes are now dealt with at insertion and search level
- and 'INSERT' & 'UPDATE' coding has been unified

Posted by Felix Zickermann 2007-07-21