
MyCollab 5.0.2 is released

We are very proud to announce the release of MyCollab 5.0.2. There are many changes since the last update we told to the community. We added many new features, and fixed many bugs addressed by premium users. The usual download link is always be

Actually, we have released several versions prior version 5.0.2 and this blog post will summarize what we have done so far with these releases

New Features

Flying widget on the right to summary the brief information of the assignments

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This widget keeps your notice not on the assignment itself but its' extra information such as time logs, assignee, or created date etc. It does not make you lost focus on the main information of assignment.

Using FontAwesome extensively

We replaced the images by FontAwesome. We are very pleased with our choice so far! First, we do not need to supply many sizes and colors for some image but the font scale up to any size we set to the font. Second, it will reduce server loads when it requires the static assets from MyCollab CDN and we do not have any browser cache issues.

Sub tasks are supported

Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 10.00.50 AMThis is one of most features suggested by MyCollab users. In fact, we neglect this feature at the beginning since we want to make MyCollab is the simple tool to use, and we thought taskgroup and task are enough tool for team manages their Agile project. But we are mistaken when many emails ask us to support the sub tasks. We listened and we added them in this release.

UIs are revised and improved

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We keep MyCollab UIs are clean, ease of use over deliveries. We improve our UIs over every major release, and we have to rewrite a lot of CSS, adjust the color scheme and add many minor improvements such as tool tips, or displaying the number of showing items in list. All of these changes do not stop of our road, we still see there are a lot of improvement rooms in the future such as better across projects search, or manage favorite and tag items are easier. More futures will come in the next release and you should not miss them.

Auto notice the admin user when there is the new MyCollab version

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You love MyCollab and you wish to upgrade to the higher version to fix some issues you have told us, or you wonder there is any nice feature you want to experiment. You do not have to go to MyCollab site periodically to check the latest version but when we uploaded the new version, we will send a notification to admin user and inform you that there is the new MyCollab version. We always encourage our users always upgrade MyCollab to the latest version and this custom notification may help us reduce the feedback of users about issues, improvements from the obsolete versions.

Technical and architect improvements

Scala is added to our technology stack

scala (1)

Scala is great! Our java code is verbose, and it forces us to write many lines of source codes to achieve features that we are able to write less code with Scala. We were very fun with Scala, and we think that Scala is one of the best languages in the market. We fell in love with Scala than any beautiful language such as Python or Ruby, etc and the most important factor is Scala integrate flawlessly with Java. Moving from Java to Scala is our long term goal where we are intended to deliver the extra real-time service in the future.

Using convention over configuration

We reduce almost the configuration files such as Spring/Jetty configuration files but using annotation. We saved thousands lines of codes, keep our application configuration more flexible between production, development and testing phases are clear and maintainable.

In addition, we customize the Maven build files associate with various profiles that keep us shorten the build process for each profile also avoid the redundant assets caused by mixing profile before.

Performance improvement

We improve the site performance by 25-50% of the time consuming tasks, even there are several items are improved up to 100% per our profile tool. MyCollab is fast in the previous versions and now, it even becomes faster. You would be surprised to compare MyCollab and Redmine instances as one of our customers was just in case you give the MyCollab enough powerful server to let it run in the full capacity.

Bug Fixes

There are a lot of bugs are addressed and fixed from the last versions. You can check them all in the release notes Your feedbacks on bugs, improvements are always welcome to make MyCollab better.

If you do not want to host MyCollab on your own server, and use the full features of MyCollab edition, you can register an standard account at or review all of our pricing plans at

The post MyCollab 5.0.2 is released appeared first on MyCollab.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-03-13

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