
#238 every day the rtl_433 script stops working


every day the rtl_433 script stops working. this appears in the log file

2018-12-28 16:26:50] [ - scheduler_error()] ERROR: EVENT_JOB_ERROR for scheduled task : Exception File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apscheduler/executors/", line 125, in run_job| retval = job.func(job.args, *job.kwargs)| File "/home/pi/myHouse/", line 79, in run| if str(value) != str(json_output[key]): found = False|: u'channel'


  • user2684

    user2684 - 2018-12-29
    • status: unread --> accepted
  • user2684

    user2684 - 2018-12-29
    • Type: enhancement --> bug
  • Aleksandar

    Aleksandar - 2018-12-29

    with version rtl_433 18.05 runs but for some reason it stops. in "json" search for the model and the channel. also if it requires "id" stops working or does not start at all

    if I restart raspberry pi or reinstall will continue to run


    Last edit: Aleksandar 2018-12-29
  • user2684

    user2684 - 2019-01-02

    Would you mind sharing a sample of your rtl_433 output (run it with rtl_433 -F json -U) and the "plugin" section of your configured sensor? I think it is expecting a json and getting something else. Of course this is a bug on our side since myhouse has to handle to error gracefully and not dying... thanks!

  • Aleksandar

    Aleksandar - 2019-01-02

    rtl_433 output

    {"time" : "2019-01-02 19:21:27", "model" : "Prologue sensor", "id" : 5, "rid" : 110, "channel" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "button" : 0, "temperature_C" : 2.900, "humidity" : 65}
    {"time" : "2019-01-02 19:21:27", "model" : "Oregon Scientific SL109H", "id" : 65, "channel" : 1, "temperature_C" : -179.100, "humidity" : 74, "status" : 13, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}
    Tuned to 433750000 Hz.
    Tuned to 433990000 Hz.
    {"time" : "2019-01-02 19:22:37", "model" : "Prologue sensor", "id" : 5, "rid" : 110, "channel" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "button" : 0, "temperature_C" : 2.900, "humidity" : 65}
    {"time" : "2019-01-02 19:22:37", "model" : "Oregon Scientific SL109H", "id" : 65, "channel" : 1, "temperature_C" : -179.100, "humidity" : 74, "status" : 13, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}
    Tuned to 433750000 Hz.

    seansor settings

    "plugin_name": "rtl_433",
    "measure": "temperature_C",
    "search": {
    "model": "Prologue sensor",
    "channel": 2

    plugin rtl_433 command

    /usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -g 35 -p 52 -f 433750000 -f 433990000 -H 35


    Last edit: Aleksandar 2019-01-02
  • user2684

    user2684 - 2019-01-06

    Thansk, I was able to reproduce the issue. Since I'm moving the entire project over GitHub, this ticket has been migrated to
    Feel free to have a look and if needed reply directly there.


  • Aleksandar

    Aleksandar - 2019-01-07

    14 hours running without stopping, for now it works well and with the change of frequency

  • Aleksandar

    Aleksandar - 2019-01-08

    my proposal for rtl_433 plugin. if 2 or more frequencies are used, wait on one frequency until it receives information from the sensor, then proceed to the next preset frequency


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