
Multi-Worm Tracker / News: Recent posts

New patch released, fixing critical bugs.

Dear MWT users,

I have uploaded v1.2.0.2 of the MWT, which fixes several bugs.
Most critically, it fixes a bug with advanced tap stimulus settings where changes to the characteristics of the tap signal (duty cycle, etc) were not properly handled. There was also a bug in Choreography that caused it to incorrectly read data from the MWT which has been corrected.

The full, updated, source and new executables are available.... read more

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2010-07-15

MWT v1.2.0.1 released, including source code.

Dear MWT Users,

A new version of the MWT has been released.
Outstanding bugs in the analysis program, Choreography, have been corrected. As well, this release addresses an issue with the default configuration of tap stimulus.

We have also implemented a new version number scheme, which is [major release].[minor release].[revision].[patch number]. Thus, increments to the final number, the patch number, indicate minor bug fixes.... read more

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2010-07-06

Minor patch to 1.2.0 released.

Dear MWT Users,

Thanks to your feedback, some minor, cosmetic flaws in the front end of the MWT that escaped testing have been found and corrected. I've released the correct files.

Nicholas Andrew Swierczek, Kerr Lab, JFRC.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2010-07-05

Corrected MWT v1.2.0 released.

Dear MWT users,

The full release did not upload correctly. I have uploaded the correct files and confirmed they are in place.

Nicholas Andrew Swierczek.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2010-06-30

1.2.0 released.

Dear MWT users,

I have released the executables and documentation for v1.2.0 of the Multi-Worm Tracker.

V1.2.0 is a significant improvement over v1.1.1 and includes improvements to experiment protocol setup and management and data management. The included documentation details all of the features of the MWT.


-Nicholas Andrew Swierczek, Kerr Lab, JFRC.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2010-06-28

1.1.1 released.

Dear MWT community,

Thanks to user feedback, a bug involving the initial feedback and ROI specification while using binning has been discovered and corrected. This has lead to a new release of the MWT, version 1.1.1.

This new executable has been released on sourceforge and is available in the Files section. Nothing has changed about the analysis or documentation, though the new 1.1.1 archive contains those files as well. You will only really need to download the executable archive, available under 1.1.1 Release/executable.... read more

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-10-27 updated with bug fixes.

I have updated the archive, which contains everything, with the updated documentation AND an updated Chore.jar that contains bug fixes.

I have also replaced the stand-alone Chore.jar in the analysis sub-directory with this updated, fixed version of Chore.jar.

Update your software as appropriate.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-08-05

MWT files reorganized, documentation update.

I have reorganized the sourceforge page to make available the different pieces we have released at specific sub-folders of the 1.1.0 release folder. Thus, you do not need to download the entire archive if all you need is a particular document, such as the User guide.

I have also updated the documentation to incorporate some user feedback, but only the installation guide has significantly changed.

I have not republished the main MWT archive yet.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-08-05

MWT 1.1.0 archive updated.

The MultiWormTracker archive has been replaced with an updated version. The only change is in the included documentation, which has be expanded to reflect the current state of the software, reformatted for readability, and output in PDF format for accessibility.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-07-31

MWT 1.1.0 Released.

Version 1.1.0 of the MWT is released and ready for download.

It is available in two archives; the first is, which contains the executable, the analysis software, and all documentation, including mechanical drawings and assembly diagrams.

The second is, which contains only the executable.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-07-29

MWT 1.1.0 currently undergoing beta testing.

We have finished principle development on version 1.1.0, having included feedback from users.

It is currently undergoing stress testing for stability and reproducibility.

We expect these tests to take another week.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-07-10

Beta of release 1.1 posted.

The beta version of release 1.1 has been posted.

This version contains USB camera support and a beta version of the improved tracking algorithm.

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-06-29

Version 1.1 to be released by mid-July.

We are pleased to announce that the binaries for version 1.1 will be released by the middle of July.

We have been able to tease out even greater performance from the tracking algorithm, allowing a higher data acquisition rate, as well as improve the interface for defining regions of interest and reference objects, a fourth stimulus delivery control channel, and USB camera support using the Direct Show DLL.... read more

Posted by Kerr Lab @ JFRC 2009-06-29