Frank - 2019-04-09

We are trying to interface this software with our instruments:
- Carl Zeiss AxioCam MRm camera.
- Carl Zeiss Imager.M2.
- Carl Zeiss AXIO Zoom.V16 microscope

We notice the "CameraFiles" folder of Multi-Worm Tracker doesn't contain files for our devices. We can't find any support for them on the NI website.

We ran all the installers without a problem, but when we try to run MWT we get a pop-up with the message:
"No boards have been configured. Before continuing, run InstaCal to complete installation and configuration of your devices. The restart LabView to load the configuration information".

We ran InstaCal to try to add our board, but it must be of type "Demo", "Web" (requires an IP to connect) or "ENET (meaning apparently Ethernet, as it asks for a network device to connect)". We can add a "Demo" board but it doesn't get detected by MWT and it has no apparent effect. Our imaging devices are not connected by Web or ENET. The Imager.M2 is connected by USB and the AxioCam MRm camera is connected by Firewire.

In Multi-Worm Tracker we get a "Camera Selector" window, but we are unable to choose ours. There's an "Image Data Input Source" setting which can be set to IMAQ interface, IMAQdx interface or AVI path. What we're trying to do is to connect to our camera, so we try either "IMAQ interface" or "IMAQdx interface". Either setting results in a pop-up stating "Image input is not available. It is unlikely that this problem can be resolved within this application, which will consequently shut down".

Please can anybody help in any way?