
Tree [r7] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 LICENSE 2010-08-12 powerkeys [r4] License
 README 2010-08-12 powerkeys [r5] Readme
 fauxhack.php 2010-08-17 powerkeys [r7] Post exploitation

Read Me

Hi! I'm your read me file. If you know this, you are reading me. That's good.

Anyway, if you didn't already read the description, this is a very simple, extendable framework for making terminal eye-candy to fool people in to thinking you are hacking. If you are good with PHP it would be awesome if you helped!

So far I have:
progressbar($length, $delay, $char (optional)) - Progress bar
epicbinary($length) - Matrix binary effect
penetrateServer($target, $port, $fuzz (optional) - simple example of fake hacking, writes technical nonsense and writes out hex digits. Fuzz pretends to brute force the password an prints out a bunch of base64 nonsense
randomData($characterchoice, $length) - Random data from a set of characters.

To use this, you must declare a new "hack" object. ALL FUNCTIONS ARE MEMBER FUNCTIONS.

Release 0.001:
Fake port scan
Array of common strings
Methods for generating fake memory addresses
Moar eye candy! (Hopefully FIGlets)

Release 0.02:
Integration with the console class (, need an account to access) to allow color and background changes on windows terminal

Hopes outside the realm of reality:
A nice GTK interface
Maybe an iPhone app? There's already one like this, but it costs $20