
Mupisim / News: Recent posts

Mercurial project history imported

A Mercurial repository has been setup for the project and history from the Mercurial development branch [1] has been imported.



Posted by Herve Quiroz 2009-07-30

New source code repository

To ease the maintaining of several development branches, the project has migrated to Mercurial as a SCM. The main, official branches are here:

It has yet to be decided if we are going to push the changes from Mercurial repositories to the existing Subversion one on SourceForge. For now, however, all development is taking place on the Mercurial repositories.

Posted by Herve Quiroz 2006-12-26

Code cleanup, Java 1.5 generics and TODO items

The source code have been cleaned up so that deprecated and disabled code parts and classes have been removed.

Most of the code has been updated to use Java 1.5 generics. Collection instances (variables and method parameters) have also been switched to List or Set instances when appropriate to better reflect their content. This should increase code quality (stronger typing will hopefully make bugs easier to track).... read more

Posted by Herve Quiroz 2006-04-18

Artifacts deployed into the Maven repository

All Mupisim-related artifiacts (components from the project as well as some of the dependencies) have been deployed into the Maven repository at

This should allow any user to run a set of simulations directly using the mupisim-simulations component and without the need to build or install any other dependency.

Posted by Herve Quiroz 2006-03-27

Website deployed

The main website is up with links towards the various subprojects websites.

Posted by Herve Quiroz 2006-03-27

Project source code imported

All of the components from the Mupisim project have been imported into the subversion repository.

The application builds and runs fine. There are still some correctness issues and a lot of things to be improved. Have a look at the TODO list in each subproject if you want to contribute ('.todo' -- just use the devtodo tool to read/modify it).

The next major step will be to refactor the agents simulation framework and the agents runtime to interface both with the mupisim-agents-api package.... read more

Posted by Herve Quiroz 2006-03-27