
MuPAD-Combinat version 1.1.0 (stable) released

MuPAD-Combinat is an open-source algebraic combinatorics package for the computer algebra system MuPAD 2.0.0 and higher.

MuPAD-Combinat version 1.1.0 (stable) has just been released:

Overview of changes:

Large scale cleanup:
- Standardization of the interface of combinatorial classes
- Many bug fixes.
- A lot of documentation (algebraic domains, categories, operators, ...)
- Cleanup of warnings with gcc 3
- Almost complete port for MacOS X / Darwin

New combinatorial libraries:
- combinat::rankers (experimental)
- combinat::skewPartitions
- combinat::skewTableaux, ribbons (experimental)
- combinat::finiteClass, imageClass, subClass, ... (experimental)
- combinat::setPartitions, setPartitionsOrdered (experimental)
- combinat::labelledTrees (experimental)
- combinat::integerVectorsModPermutationGroup (experimental)
- combinat::integerMatrices::fromNonWeakDescentsComposition (experimental)
Changes in combinat::decomposable objects:
- Complete documentation
- Unranking and proper random for labelled structures (experimental)
- Boustrophedonic order for optimal O(n log n) random/unrank complexity
- Functional random for all structures
- Functional Domain feature
- Cleanup and improved error messages

New algebraic domains:
- examples::FreeSymmetricFunctions
- examples::NonCommutativeSymmetricFunctions
- examples::QuasiSymmetricFunctions
- examples::SymmetricGroupAlgebra
- plus lots of experimental algebras (Hecke, Hecke-Clifford, Temperley Lieb)
- Dom::FreeModuleList
Renamed algebraic domains:
- Dom::FreeModule_Poly -> Dom::FreeModulePoly
- Dom::FreeModule_Table -> Dom::FreeModuleTable

New categories:
- Cat::HopfAlgebra, HopfAlgebraWithBasis, FiniteDimensionalAlgebraWithBasis,
GradedAlgebraWithBasis, SemiRing, SemiRng, UseOverloading
Renamed categories:
- Cat::FreeModule -> Cat::ModuleWithBasis

Partial support for coproducts, tensor products, ... (experimental)

Integration of most of the material from PerMuVAR:
- Dom::PermutationGroupInvariantRing, and related domains and categories

Posted by Nicolas M. Thiéry 2003-11-28

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