
MuPAD-Combinat Live CD

I (Nicolas) spent some time building a MuPAD-Combinat live CDROM (based on Morphix/Knoppix/debian). With it, you can take any (not too old) PC, reboot from the CDROM, and you get in 5 minutes a machine running xmupad 2.5.3 (or mupacs: mupad inside emacs) under a standard GNU/Linux + KDE environment. Of course the MuPAD-Combinat package is automatically loaded :-) Most important, this does not modify anything on the PC's hard drive, so it's safe to use anywhere. There is also about 200 Mo left on the CD to include standard distributions of, say, MuPAD, MuPAD-Combinat, texmacs, or mupacs.

A typical application will be MuPAD-Combinat tutorials: burn ten cd's, find a lab of PC's, turn them into as many Linux boxes for the time of the tutorial, and distribute the cd's to the participants at the end. Sounds cool, doesn't it?

In general, this CD can be neat for demos and advertising.

It's easy to update and customize the CD further; for example, one can change to a lighter environment than KDE to accommodate older machines, or simply only include MuPAD without emphasis on MuPAD-Combinat.

Beware: this CD-ROM includes MuPAD, which is not open-source!

Posted by Nicolas M. Thiéry 2003-11-23

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