
Free software activities in September 2015


<p>Working on making the munin master fit inside Mojolicious. The existing code
is not written to make this trivial, but all the pieces are there. Most of the
pieces need breaking up into smaller pieces to fit.</p>



<p>New version of <a href="">puppet-module-puppetlabs-apache</a> (Closes:
<a href="">#788124</a> <a href="">#788125</a> <a href="">#788127</a> ). I like it
when a new upstream version closes <em>all</em> bugs left in the bts for a

<p>A new package, the TLS proxy <a href="">hitch</a> currently
<a href="">waiting in the queue</a>.</p>


<p>Lots of work on a new ceph puppet module.</p> link

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-10-03

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