
MultiDC++ / News: Recent posts

Screenshots + progress


So I've finally uploaded some screenshots of MultiDC++, though they don't really make the app justice since they had to be scaled down, so you can't see it in all its glory :-).
Anyway, I wont uploaded the source for a while after all. I just realized that the way I send data to the server isn't very scalable, so I'm gonna redesign that part so it'll be easier to add features and such.
Sorry for the false hope, but I don't wanna upload anything that's gonna get a mayor rewrite.... read more

Posted by Alexander Nordfelth 2006-07-20

Progress v.2


Sorry for the lack of updates. I can hopefully change that from now on.
Anyway, the project is moving along nicely, with the exception of a few drawbacks here and there.
I'm gonna upload some screenshots in a day or two, and I'm hoping that I can upload the source within a week or so. It'll come with these features:
A server for Linux and Mac OS X
A GUI for Mac OS X with the following features:
* Basic settings support
* Public Hubs
* Connecting to hubs / chat etc.
* Private Messages
* Search
* Transfer-view... read more

Posted by Alexander Nordfelth 2006-07-07


Sorry for the lack of updates, guess I've gotta blame school for that.
Anyway, I'm atleast making some progress with MultiDC++ and now it got the following features:
*Public Hubs
*Basic Settings
*Hash Dialog
*Hub-interface and some basic features, like recieving messages etc.

Anyway, the pace will pick up quite a bit when I'm finished with this semester.
Stay tuned for some screenshots that will be coming up later this week.... read more

Posted by Alexander Nordfelth 2006-05-21